Friday, June 1, 2012

Spaghetti and Jo's Rosemary Bread

I have moved to trying out freezer cooking.  So tonight's dinner is a simple one.  Crock pot spaghetti and Jo's Rosemary Bread.

For the Spaghetti, I cooked up 5 lb of meat.  2 of the lb were frozen to make Taco meat.  The other 3 were divided to make 3 spaghetti sauce. 

Spaghetti Sauce (*3)
3 lb ground beef, browned
3 sweet onions
6 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 1/2 lb Summer Squash
1 1/2 lb Zucchini
3 lb carrots
3 jars of sauce

Wash all veggies.  I put everything thought the food processor on grate.  If you don't have a processor, then you will need to hand grate everything.  Divide the veggies in to Three Gallon Freezer bags.

Add one lb of beef per bag.  Label the sauce for spaghetti, so you remember and don't use it for something else.  Lay flat in freezer till frozen.

The night before you want to eat it, pull it out of the freezer and place in fridge. 

Place the veggies and meat in the crock pot.  Add one jar or homemade sauce on top.  Cook on low all day or high half a day.

Three hours before dinner, make Jo's rosemary Bread.  I found the recipe on  I did alter it and used fresh garden herbs.  It comes out so wonderful.